- info@easyandpossible.org
- Rubavu, Western Province

Well done is better than well said!
Well done is better than well said!
Easy and Possible Organization “EPO” in acronym, is a social, non-profit, non-governmental, non-political organization that seeks to empower youth, women and children through four areas of interventions in a way they would feel educated, secured and with improved livelihood.
EPO is formally registered with the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) with the certificate number 342/RGB/NGO/LP/07/2018, and posted in the official gazette No 25 of 24/06/2019)
Easy and Possible Organization alongside its partners and sponsors, puts forward the development of youth.
Capacity building and skills development, training and internship are key approaches used by EPO in education field. EPO organizes specific
what surrounds us,is what keeps us moving. Nature as well as human being are the essence of a positive ecosystem.
EPO aims at leveling up the livelihood of all its beneficiaries; special effort turns to nutrition and health in order to promote health